previous page: Why I Have Chosen Cremation next page: News & Announcements
Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Linda Delayen

Our memories mellow time
As wine mellows memories
as time mellows the wine

© Linda Delayen

The Cresting
Anne Fraser

The scent of a vast ocean
and its round circle journeys
from home-to-sky-to home.
With salt lips, we laugh and wade
across froths of curling waves,
skirts held bunched up within tight fists,
to feel before the crest withdraws.
Gulls with white fringed wings
are high companions, 
soaring and arching with the winds.
Seaweed grasps at toes yet peels away 
like bandages and old skin.
Within the clinging smell of kelp 
and molted crabs, we have become
light and liquid.

© 2002 Anne Fraser

Kites seek the wind here,
sea oats practice
their patient sway
to rhythms of seasons and years.
Dunes rise from the sand,
carved in a sculptor's caress
who would dare to dream
of creation on a scale
of unbounded distance.

A seagull holds in the breeze,
wings stretched wide like a lover's arms,
both share their unspoken word to the wind,
"come to me",
while the morning sun 
still raises its eyes to the clouds.
Shells dot the sandshelf
in places the ocean
swept them last night,
flowing promises of return.

Maybe the sand still remembers 
the footsteps, small hands
building impermanence, leaving marks
of hearts drawn with names underneath,
carvings of hopes and small dreams,
that are washed away daily,
both us and this place bowing
at different paces 
to what finds us and binds us both...time.

© Jonathan Bohrn (2000)

Beaches of South Walton Image Library
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